IMO, the internet has made it easier to sell knockoffs because people can’t handle the items, so they think that anything that vaguely resembles each other is the same. These frames are basically knockoffs of Carrera, but this doesn’t mean they’re the same.
For one, they clearly lack the detailing of the Carrara. Look at the spacing around the edges of the originals vs the lack of spacing on the knock offs. Additionally, Carraras are made from machine cut from blocks of zyl (cellulose acetate). Knockoffs are likely injection molded.
For cheap frames, granular zyl is often liquified and injected into a mould. These frames come out matte and colorless, so they are sometimes spray painted. This can result in a flat appearance. Most cheap plastic things you’ve seen are made through injection molding techniques.
These two approaches produce different qualities. Block cut frames are often a little more flexible, so they can easily adjusted to fit the contours of your head. Injection moulded frames can snap if you bend them. The metal hardware used can also differ to save money.
The most important difference is the lenses. When you buy sunglasses, it’s critical they offer full UV protection. Cheap sunglasses can filter light, which forces your iris to open, but not UV rays, which ends up damaging your eyes.
I have no idea what is the actual difference between these two sunglasses, as I’m not going to buy the knockoffs. I only object to this framing below. Just because two things look alike online does not mean they’re the same.
Even if you find out that two things are made in the same factory, that also may not mean anything! Factories are often flexible and can produce items of varying quality. Ultimately, you have to educate yourself on quality and judge directly. More here:
This video comparing the same dress across different price points is also very good.
My point is not to tell you how much to spend on something (buy what suits your budget). Only saying that two things that look alike online are not necessarily the same